Is there any Cyber security threats management legislation exists in Pakistan?

Aleena Jaffari
6 min readFeb 15, 2022


The most important websites of Pakistan which includes the NADRA, banks, military organizations and multinational co operations websites are also unprotected and they are highly

vulnerable to the attacks. Everyone working for cyber security knows the threat and challenge they are facing very well because They need a lot of attention in context of security as in case of attacks the results will be in favor of the cyber attackers and the loss of that individual or national security. It is very simple that if NADRA’s all confidential data got hacked by some terrorist they will use all that data for unfair means and in case of fair investigation the person whose data is being used will be called as culprit without even knowing what has happened and they can also blackmail anyone by getting all the information from that data. This may lead to a huge conflict at domestic level even which will increase if not been controlled and in case of negligence over this sensitive issue it will become a danger for national security and the reason behind it will be the state actors itself rather than non-state actors. Here the actions are required to be taken rather than just thinking. Some well-defined laws and policies to be implemented. There should be a strong management who can overcome it to avoid loss.[1]

According to all the threats and challenges Cyber security is facing required a strong authority over it who only protect the Cyber based technologies. This authority is a requirement within Pakistan

and at international forum too because many attacks have also been done by non-state actors so there should be a central authority at international level that control the cyber based technologies

security at state levels too.[2] It will control the attacks and loss of individuals in person as well as it will decrease the threats to national security of Pakistan when everyone starts thinking and working over cyber security for their own sake.

Even though Pakistan has faced a lot of issues regarding cyber security even after a great loss it is very difficult to capture the culprit online. Pakistan need it badly.[3]

It is our fate that we know about the threats as well as faced a lot of cyber-attacks that results in huge loss. In 2018, Pakistan faced a huge loss in Millions of Rupees due to cyber attacks but still we are unable of protecting ourselves from such attacks again.[4]


According to this alarming situation the awareness for cyber security is much needed. People use the cyber based technologies adequately without knowing what is good what is bad and which things can be result in loss. The awareness is necessary because if a person will be fully conscious of the threats and challenges then definitely he will use these cyber based technologies within those limits as no one will want to face the loss due to negligence over it. .Same in the case of businesses or big organizations if an employ is fully aware of threat and challenges as well as the weaknesses in their website or cyber based technology he is using he will work efficiently and responsibly but in case of businesses offices and big co operations the employs for this task should be an expert of Cyber based technology.The people who work for it should be motivated and enforced to ensure the cyber security.[5]


Following are the recommendation that may be helpful for avoiding Cyber attacks and protecting national security

· Firstly, the understanding and awareness to all not only to the students or persons having sensitive data but every single civilian using Cyber based technologies in their daily lives for this purpose this should be included in the syllabuses of students. At college and university level seminars with expert of cyber technologies are better.IT is compulsory right now in Pakistan but its study is not in such a way that it should be. The syllabus should be designed in a way that it benefits the cyber security afterwards. On the other hand, the local civilians should get all updates from the news and social media websites they are using the most.

· The military setup should also have courses for expertise on cyber based technologies to safeguard the cyber security because their data is the most sensitive data of Pakistan.

· There should be up to date laws and policies for Cyber based technologies that everyone should use these within the limits and the implementation of that laws should also be very strong that no one could take it for granted as it is a collective responsibility of citizens.

· The national security policy makers should also play a role in making cyber security strong numby making policies that should safeguard the national security of Pakistan.

· A law enforcing body should also be present there to keep check and balance over the Cyber security laws.

· Government should make small committees of Cyber experts, who are fully aware of all help protecting the state security effectively.

· Decision makers at domestic and national both levels should be present that in case of any emergency they could act accordingly.

· There is a huge need of research centers whose main purpose is to make cyber security strong.


In today scenario it is very difficult to deny the importance of cyber based technologies use and their importance in our daily lives because even a single day without these cyber based technologies led to loss for state on larger scale whether economic or from security point of view. It is directly linked to the national security and through this context everyone is responsible for its security as government is not the only sole responsible of its security it is a collective responsibility of all because it not only benefits the state but individuals too.

If we see thoroughly cyber security, it is the negligence of human as we face attacks that results in huge personal loss as well as national but still we act like we are unaware of the importance of cyber security and don’t bother to even think once about its security. A normal civilian using cyber based technology can also think of it once because it may also harm him personally.

Unfortunately, we are unable to protect our national security because till date there isn’t any kind of protective measure taken by government or any other organization while been aware of all the threats and challenges we are facing. Here is a need of strong governmental measures and military intervention that it should make a law or policy that every citizen should start thinking of it and making their understandings strong. It may lead to some benefits of the state that safeguard not only individuals from cyber crimes but also the national security of the state.


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[1] N Kshetri, “The simple Economics of Cybercrimes”,2006.

[2] RE Bell, “The Prosecution of Cybercrime”,2002.

[3] Andreea Bendovschi ,” Procedia Economics and Finance” 28 ( 2015 ) 24–31

[4] M Astani, “Information Security policies’ changes in organizations”, 2012.

[5] Efthymia Metalidou et al, “Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences” 147 , 2014 , 424–428

